Our Solar System: Moralastalla

Moralastalla Mean Distance from Oma: 987 WA Orbital Period around Oma: 31 years Mean Diameter: 93,801 miles Length of day: 56 hours Gravity: 6.2 Ethems Description: Moralastalla is referred to in the ancient texts as “the Breathing Fekxtah.” The more mystical members of the Elzheni Astronomers Scientific Federacy claimed that this was due to a […]


Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Resting

Dollano 23, SP~4,909 Resting The first thing I must capture here is that Donnessling is not dead. I do not understand how that could be given how deep his wound was. It seems that it had something to do with the Stone (or “Eye”) that he carries, and with Sheshoffiss’ skill with his own Stone. […]


Hallsassring’s Journey: The Story of a Nossring

Chapter 1: Arrived Hallsassring stopped. The fury came suddenly and without warning, leaving her startled, confused – and immobile. She shook her head to cast off the anger, but failed. Looking up to the sky she decided to retrace her steps that day. She had woken early, before sunrise. Quietly gathering her few belongings, she […]


Our Solar System: Dra Ag Ahaggalla

Dra Ag Ahaggalla Mean Distance from Oma: 517 WA Orbital Period around Oma: 18 years Mean Diameter: 118,150 miles Length of day: 11.8 hours Gravity: 4.6 Ethems Description: Dra Ag Ahaggalla is Oma’s largest planet. It is in fact so large, and has so many moons, that the ancient texts described the Fekxtah as its own […]


Rhonda Floam’s Diaries: Hazzen’s Cave

Dollano 22, SP~4,909 Hazzen’s Cave My previous entry was written very late last night, or, perhaps more accurately, early this morning. We’d spent the night running and had finally found our way here to this sanctuary. I had a chance then to write, but was too exhausted to tell the whole story. I’ve now had […]


Our Solar System: The Tiny Fekxtah Illidreth

Illidreth Mean Distance from Oma: 223 WA Orbital Period around Oma: 28 days Mean Diameter: 1,826 miles Length of day: 6.5 hours Gravity: 0.3 Ethems Description: Illidreth is a small, cold Fekxtah that is found deep in the expanse of Seekrem’s Halo. It is not large enough to be considered a Fekxtah planet, but neither […]