Our Solar System: Beoreem, Planet of Fire

Oma’s Near Fekxtah

The Fekxtah Planet Beoreem

The Planet Beoreem

Mean Distance from Oma: 23 WA

Orbital Period around Oma: 83 days, elliptical, on the plane

Diameter: 5,307 miles

Length of day: 141 hours

Gravity: 0.8 Ethems


Like its close cousin, Been, this planet is also very close to Oma and suffers from the same unimaginably intense heat and influx of fiery beings that Oma releases. It is different from Been in that it has no Fenninthengly dedicated to protecting it from Oma’s onslaught. This is why it is a planet of molten rock, lacking Been’s solidity.

Since Beoreem has no Fenninthengly to fight off Oma’s daemons, it has become home to many of them. It is also home to a race of beings that is unique to this Fekxtah. They are called, quite appropriately, the Beoreem, and they live deep inside the planet. There they feed from the abundance of heat spread throughout the planet and its resulting soft rock forms. The Beoreem are creatures made entirely out of the rock of the planet; however, it is rock that has been transformed into living things by Oma’s fierce fire. The scholars who wrote the ancient Elzheni texts claim that the Beoreem comprise a mixture of Physic and Body Energies. Physic Energy supplies the material substance for the being. It is the molten rock that forms its substance. Body Energy has taken that physical material and has been able to transform into whole bodies that can move with direction and purpose. They further explain that the Beoreem travel throughout their planet in a way not dissimilar to how lava travels on our world. From their homes deep inside the planet they find, or create, passageways that bring them up as far as the surface of the planet. Since the surface is so extremely hot, it is an environment that welcomes the Beoreem and can nourish and sustain them.

Reports from the ancient texts tell the tales of Elzheni who visited this Fekxtah. These travelers — to be exact, those travelers who survived the journey — tell of constantly raging battles among the Fire Daemons that came from Oma. They also speak of great battles between Oma’s escaped Fire Daemons and the Beoreem. These two species of beings vie for the rich, nutritious abundance of heated rocks that cover the surface of this Fekxtah, and often devour each other to obtain that sustenance.

The Blasterress

We will mention one other oddity that is unique to the planet Beoreem. This strangeness is called Blasterress. Unlike the Beoreem these are not living beings. They are naturally occurring phenomena that form out of the churning masses of rock and lava, often the result of the battles being fought on the surface of the planet. They can be likened to a balloon, comprising a thin covering of a light, molten rock and a large volume of gas inside it. The gasses that fill the thin rock sheath are the gasses that constantly erupt from the surface of this planet. Typically, these erupted gasses fly off into the atmosphere and even at times escape into the firmament. Sometimes, however, under just the right circumstances, the gasses erupt into a mass of this light lava and fill it like a breath fills a balloon. If the eruption is significant enough, and the molten rock is plentiful, it can form very large, incandescent orbs. The orbs are at times light enough that they will float for a while above the surface of the world and, if they are strong enough to remain stable for long enough, they may bounce from one place to another across the planet buffeted to and fro by the tremendous forces released from Beoreem.

The image of Beoreem included in this passage shows one such Blasterress as it was seen by, and captured from the mind of, an Elzhen traveler who had witnessed the event, or so the ancient texts tell us.

Fekxtah Station #5:

This Fekxtah Station on Beoreem is one of the smallest of all. The natural forces on Beoreem are simply too extreme to allow any structure to exist for long. The “station” is in fact an Energetic Avatar from our own Ethem that has been transformed into a physical object that is able to resist the violent forces of Beoreem. How an avatar could be so transformed is unclear to our current science, and there is no explanation in the ancient texts. That remains a mystery to this day. Even so, the texts tell us that this avatar, after it was transformed, was transported to Beoreem and placed somewhere on the planet that was less unstable than most other places.

A visit to Beoreem was a two-stage process. First, the avatar was “activated”, and would then transform itself into a container large enough to accommodate several Elzheni travelers. Once that expansion was complete, the travelers would transport into the interior of the avatar where they were, for a short time, protected from the ravages of Beoreem.

The texts contain many tales of the avatar folding in upon itself before the travelers were able to escape. Other tales tell of travelers who were able to exit the avatar’s body, onto the surface of Beoreem, for only a few minutes, to gather fragments of Blasterress or other interesting material. Travel to this Fekxtah Station required nothing less than great courage and significant physical strength.

Ethem’s Solar System: The Planet Been

Oma’s Near Fekxtah

The Planet Been

The Planet Been

Mean Distance from Oma: 19 WA

Orbital Period around Oma: 32 days

Diameter: 10,018 miles (lengthwise)

Length of day: N/A

Gravity: 1.1 Ethems


Been has an elongated shape which tapers toward one end. It is far longer than it is wide, at its widest, and is made up of a large variety of rocks, metals, and ice. This planet, if we can call it that, is over ten thousand miles long and is the closest of all the planets to the Fekxtah sun, Oma.

On its surface is a thick layer of charred rock. Obviously, this comes from being so close to Oma, where it is being constantly barraged by Stretchers and the occasional Fire Daemon. Been also spins quite rapidly both end-on-end as well as spinning around its longitudinal axis. The result of the spinning is that the skies as seen from Been are in constant motion; often a dizzying motion.

Been is the home of five creatures from an ancient race of celestial beings known as the Fenninthengly, “those who make the shield against fire”. Their home is deep inside the planet, though they wander across all parts of the rocky landscape of Been.

The Fenninthengly are a race that was born at the time that the Fekxtah themselves were created. They are a race of lesser beings, often referred to as the Lower Fekxtah. Their purpose was to tend the Fekxtah, to make sure that the gardens of Fekxtah spread across the Great World survived. They repair the Fekxtah if they break and repair the damage done by one Fekxtah against another, which occurs frequently.

The five Fenninthengly that tend Been take turns maintaining shields that protect their charge from being torn apart by the severe heat and fires that emanate from Oma. Their constant vigilance keeps Been whole and prevents it from succumbing to Oma’s tremendous gravity that is constantly trying to pull it into its fiery belly.

The five Fenninthengly were also given the task to tend Been in a manner that ensured its interior would remain cold and would be continually nourished by the warm currents that surround it.  Upon occasion the Five Fenninthengly have had to fend off cast-offs from Oma, fire creatures who had tried to land on Been and make it their home. Over the ages there have been many battles. The ancient text claims that long ago there were many more Fenninthengly, numbered in the thousands, but these five are all that remain.

Fekxtah Station #5:

This station is located near the tapered end of Been, deep under its surface so that it is protected from the ravages sent by Oma. The station is quite small, and can accommodate no more than a dozen creatures at a time.

It is small because the Energy required to protect the station is profound, given it is on a Fekxtah planet so close to Oma. It is also small, as the ancient texts claim, because it must be small in order to hide from the Fenninthengly, who consider the station to be a threat to the world they protect. Typically, only one or two Elzheni would be at this station at any time, and they would usually only stay for a few hours, knowing that if they were found out by any one of the Fenninthengly, they would be immediately destroyed, or worse, cast off into the deep void of space.

Of note for this Fekxtah Station are a number of entries that describe an “invasion” by some other kind of creature. If the ancient texts are to be believed, and we have been clear about that in our introductory pages, there was a race of creatures from some place, some Fekxtah planet, other than our own Ethem.

The texts tell us that the Elzheni caretakers for Fekxtah Station #5 became suspicious of strange activity. They had sent a number of caretakers to the station over a period of many days to perform their typical duties, and none of them returned. It was, sadly, not unusual for caretakers to not return. It was believed that it was simply a matter of bad timing; they arrived at the same time as a Fenninthengly was passing by the station or inside it, and they were killed. However, it was unheard of for this to happen consistently for as long as this.

The Elzheni decided to send a contingent of warriors, each garbed in both physical and Energetic protection. One survivor returned from this mission. She told of encountering alien creatures that attacked them as soon as they arrived, and that these creatures had shields of some kind, likely of Energetic make, that protected them from the warriors’ weapons. More warriors were sent and were sent with additional protections and newly devised weapons. This conflict went on for several months before the Elzheni were at last victorious. Though this small war was captured in great detail in the ancient texts, we will not recount them here.

The lesson that was first learned during these encounters was, as the Reader will see, on other Fekxtah planets and other Fekxtah Stations, leaving the writers of the ancient texts with an unshakable belief that we are not the only Fekxtah on which creatures live and have knowledge of, and skill with, the Energies that make up the Great World.

Ethem’s Solar System: Our Sun Fekxtah

Oma, the Central Fekxtah of Fire

Oma the Central Fekxtah of Fire

Oma is the Fekxtah of fire that is at the center of our Solar System, which we scholars know as our Fekxtah Family.

The great Fire Fekxtah Oma has seventeen Fekxtah planets that circle her. They are roughly divided into those Fekxtah near to Oma, those that are further from Oma, and those that are distant from Oma. In addition to these, there are many Fekxtah moons and other strange objects that live in the space contained within the aura of Oma. Most of these were birthed from Oma itself, and others are celestial drifters that have joined her tribe.

Oma itself is a direct descendent of the primordial Element of Fire that was one of the first Four Elements that existed in the world. It is believed that there may be remnants of the Element of Fire buried deep in Oma’s core, but this is, of course, pure conjecture.

It is fitting to use an excerpt from “The Book of Oma”, the great book handed down to the heola of today’s world from the ancients. This book says the following:

After the Great Calamity that ended the first world of the Four Elements, there was war between that which descended from the Four Elements which were Air, Fire, Earth, and Water.  Among those things that arose from the destruction of the Four Elements and from their corruption into lesser forms were Fekxtah.  The Fekxtah were tiny things compared to the vastness of the world of the Four Elements, from which everything was made and which was the sole occupant in every direction and at all distances.  Compared to our own incredible smallness, however, they were gigantic, and they filled the great space of the world.

At some time Oma formed.  It was made from the remnants of the Element of Fire as Fire itself dissolved into bits and pieces and dissolved sometimes into nothingness.  At other times, it survived in a form similar to its true form but vastly smaller with far less power.  One of these was Oma.

Few folk know that Oma comprises many living beings within its great mass. These beings are, without doubt, some of the strangest things in the wider world. In fact, many of those who study these matters believe that it is outside the ability of our minds — the minds of animals, creatures, and sentients — to understand them in their true nature. We see some of these creatures here on our own Fekxtah planet Ethem. The flamen, or at least some of them, are believed to be creatures that arose within Oma, but have made their way to Ethem across the great distances of the heavens.

The ancient texts mention many creatures. Here we will mention only a few of the more prominent of those. Short summaries of these are provided immediately below.

Fire Daemons

These creatures, when they are found here on Ethem, are known as Flamen and are powerful beings. However, on Oma they are tiny in comparison to Oma herself and to the other beings that inhabit Oma.

The life of a Fire Daemon that lives in Oma is one of constant movement, of agitation that would rip beings like ourselves to shreds. Their greatest desire (of course attributing emotions to daemons is a perilous thing) is to become all of Oma herself. This, of course, is impossible especially for a being as small as these daemons are. Nevertheless they are in constant movement and engaged in forever battles with other Fire Daemons and the other creatures of Oma.

They live primarily in the outer parts of Oma. On occasion particularly ambitious Fire Daemons will fly deeper into Oma, but they cannot go far before they are consumed by the Deeper Creatures (see below).

Fire Daemons are often cast off from Oma. Sometimes they leave of their own accord, flinging themselves into the cosmos. At other times, they are thrown away from Oma by those they battle. Regardless of how they leave Oma, many do. Most of these will continue to fight while they drift through empty space, though their efforts are useless, and really, meaningless, since there is nothing for them to fight against. Over time the vast majority of these Fire Daemons expend all of their energy and their Fire dies out. They dissipate into nothingness, or the larger of them will transform into Cinders described below.

There are, though, some Fire Daemons who, largely by chance, find themselves descending into the worlds around Oma, the Fekxtah planets or moons. As we noted earlier, those who have landed on our own Ethem are known to us as Flamen. They are rarely seen on the surface of Ethem since they prefer the fiery, molten core of Ethem, and seek that out almost immediately upon arriving on our home world.

Deeper Creatures

Deeper Creatures is really a catch-all phrase for an abundance of beings, all made from Fire, that live below the surface and outer layers of Ethem. The ancient texts claim that these creatures are gigantic. In fact, the texts say that some of them are as large as the moons that circle the Fekxtah planets of Oma’s Family.

The ancient documents say little about what these creatures are or what they do, other than they are creations from Fire who are imprisoned in Oma’s core (presumably by Oma herself) and they constantly wrestle with others of their kind to consume them or to be consumed by them.

It is stated that if the Deeper Creatures were to find a way to leave the core of Oma, that Oma would die. By logical extension, Oma’s death would bring about the death of all those Fekxtah that live in the circle of Oma’s Family, and would, of course, bring an end to all life here on Ethem as we know it.


These immense bands of Fire, live on the outermost part of Oma, on her “skin” if you will. As all other creatures that live within Oma, they are in constant motion. Their motion however is a strange one. They leap away from Oma and then plunge back into her.

The ancient texts tell of these creatures as sometimes extending out from Oma as far as her nearest Fekxtah planets. They may sometimes entangle themselves with these near planets or with other invisible (unknown?) celestial bodies. Even though they exist to eventually plunge back into Oma herself, they may sometimes take many millennia or eons to do so.

With hesitation I will mention, briefly, that the ancient tomes talk about a world between the surface of Oma and her Near Fekxtah planets that is controlled by the Stretchers. The documents state that this makes travel to the Near Fekxtah quite perilous. There are even stories of travelers (Elzheni) who were trapped in this world and even inside some Stretchers themselves. Given how utterly fictitious these claims must be, I will only mention them in passing, and refuse to give them further credence.

Fire Remnants, the Cinders

Finally, I will mention Remnants, often referred to as Cinders. These things were once beings inside Oma, but left her (or were thrown out, as discussed earlier). They are now simply husks of dark material, virtually invisible against the blackness of space itself. How many there are is unknown, or so say the ancient texts.

Essentially, these are no longer beings. They are no longer considered Fekxtah, since a Fekxtah is a living thing. They are simply brittle physical remains of things that were once glorious creatures of Fire.

Ethem’s Solar System: Introduction

A Primer on Ethem’s Fexofamilial Community

By Galggado Gaffroto, Ishiri, First Scientist

Guild Energetic Research Collective’s

Division for the Study of Fexofamilial Communities and Geneology (DSFCG)

Oma Rages in the Skies above Ethem


This document is a brief description of what scholars would call the Local Fekxtah Group System of Order (LFGSO). It is the Fekxtah Family of which Ethem is but one member. Others call it Oma’s Family which means that it is focused, and rightly so, on the sun Fekxtah which is at the center. Most folk know it as the Solar System, though in scholarly work that is a less than accurate name.

What is a Fekxtah?

There are some who do not have a clear or accurate (or any) definition of what a Fekxtah is. Simply put Fekxtah are the gigantic entities, beings, that make up the cosmos. They come in many forms. There are, of course, sun Fektah, also known as stars. These are the Fekxtah of fire that often form around themselves a community of other, smaller Fektah such as planets and moons.

But, why do we call them Fekxtah and not simply suns, planets, or moons? That is because these great bodies of the heavens are living beings. Albeit, they are not living in the sense we usually think of, as in the way that I or the readers of this treatise are living. Nor the way in which the creatures in Imbelnhi’s Bestiary are living. Even so, they are indeed living things, but of a kind of life that it is difficult, if not impossible, for us to understand.

The Fekxtah were born during the Second Age of the world. The only thing in the universe that preceded the Fekxtah of the great world were the Four True Elements; namely, Air, Fire, Earth, and Water that were the first things to ever exist, and so comprise the First Age of the World. It was out of these Four True Elements that the Fekxtah were formed. Of the First Age itself, nothing still exists; however, it is accurate to consider ourselves and the worlds in which, and on which, we live to be the direct descendants of the First Age. For context we now live in the Fifth Age of the World, and, within that , our current time period is the Third Era of that Age.

Sadly, I can say no more on this topic here, or I will have said far too much and still not enough. For those who are curious to learn more, the best text to start with is the great book, The History of the Created World.

What is a Fexofamilial Community?

A Fexofamilial Community is quite simple to understand. It is our planet Fekxtah, Ethem, and our sun, named Oma, and all of the other planets and moons that surround Oma and circle it. This is how our Fexofamilial Community, which we shall also refer to as our Solar System is described in the book, The History of the Created World:

Now the Fekxtah were true to themselves and Emptiness pushed them apart.  The Fekxtah became many forms as the Emptiness pushed them away from each other.  The Fekxtah became forms that continue now in the World.  The Fekxtah became the Planets and the Moons and the Stars and the Travelers in the World, and the Emptiness made the void that separates them all.

We in the Guild who study these matters believe that the world is made up of many, perhaps innumerable, Fexofamilial Communities, and quite possibly other things that are beyond our imaginations.

The purpose of this document is intentionally limited. Here we seek only to describe our own Fexofamilial Community, in other words, we will discuss Oma and all of her children.

How to Read this Book

To read this book it will be helpful to understand some of the concepts that we use throughout.


As one might expect, distances within a Fexofamilial Community are far greater than the distance from, say, here in Naldrin City to Tarnath.  While that journey across Tamarra can be measured in hundreds of miles, it would be foolish, and unwieldy, to measure distances between Fekxtah in the same way.  We have therefore created a system of measurement that can be applied to the vast distances among the Fekxtah.

Distances between Fekxtah are measured in units called a “Walker’s Ankle”*, abbreviated as a WA and pronounced WAY.  Each WA is 1 million miles.  As you can see this system is highly useful in describing very large distances.

The Fekxtah planets that comprise our own Fexofamilial Community circle the Fekxtah sun Oma.  They move around Oma in roughly concentric circles, or ellipses, so that each Fekxtah sustains an orbit around Oma at a constant distance.

The distance of each Fekxtah from Oma is outlined in the course of this document in the section that provides the basic information for that Fekxtah.

Fekxtah Stations

Finally, I will mention one of the more fantastic notions included in the ancient books from the heola mayamar. The notion is of a thing called a Fekxtah Station, or often simply as a Fekxstation. These are buildings of some kind that, according to these ancient texts, were built by the Elzheni, and were places to which they could travel from Ethem. They were supposedly used to more closely study each of the Fekxtah on which a station had been constructed. The claim within the ancient pages of the Elzheni books is that the Fekxstations are constructions on the surface of each Fekxtah and allow travel from one Fekxstation to another, and, therefore, from one Fekxtah to another.

There are few scholars who take this seriously, since the idea of traveling such great distances to actually stand on the surface of another of Oma’s Fekxtah is simply too incredible for belief. However, the Elzheni texts make mention of them frequently and so I have decided to include them here to provide the reader with an accurate sense of what these ancient tomes contain. I make no claim as to their actual existence. Most scholars, myself included, consider these Fekxstations to be little more than a “plot device”, a way to titillate the senses and provide a compelling, though fictional, basis for the descriptions of the various Fekxtah included in this work.

With these stipulations now made, we hope the Reader will find this work useful and a good first step in exploring the wondrous world of Oma and her Fexofamilial Family.

*  The Walker’s Ankle is a name derived from the mythical creatures that were said to have lived during the first days of the world, who could travel the vast distances between Fekxtah and even among Fexofamilial Communities in a single stride.  They are known, in common parlance, as simply Walkers.

Ethem’s Solar System, a Preface

The Family of Oma

A Primer on Ethem’s Fexofamilial Community

By Galggado Gaffroto, Ishiri, First Scientist

Guild Energetic Research Collective’s

Division for the Study of Fexofamilial Communities and Geneology (DSFCG)

Oma Rages in the Skies above Ethem


I was approached by the head of the Guild Energetic Research Collective (GERC), my good friend Allo Bathrelmo, and his leader, the Head Administrator of Research Initiatives, Gorsal Rothless on the 38th day of the month of Harmon, in the year SP~5,022 about a project of great importance. Gorsal had initiated conversations with Allo several years ago to discuss the potential value of educating the folk of Naldrin City, and perhaps those outside of the city, about the Fekxtah that make up what astrofekxtonomists call the Local Fekxtah Group System of Order (LFGSO). In the common parlance this is referred to either as Oma’s Family (Oma being, of course, our central Fekxtah) or simply as our Solar System.

Gorsal is well-known within the Guilds as a visionary and a master communicator. She has spent much of her career investigating the history of the Tamarran Continent including its place on our own Fekxtah planet Ethem. These initiatives delved into the recent history of Tamarra during our current time period, the Third Era of the Fifth Age of the World. However, the more she explored recent events the more she was led back to earlier times. This led Gorsal to explore the history of the Tamarran Continent in the Eras of time that preceded our own. This included both the First Era known as The Time of the First Living Creatures and the Second Era, the Time of the First Races.

While investigating the Second Era, she came across writings from the great Elzheni Race, the most dominant race of this time period. They were a race of creatures not entirely unlike ourselves in stature and physical prowess. However, they did excel far beyond us in their deep knowledge of the world. No other race during that time or before, or after, was able to establish the kind of sovereignty they exerted over the world and the other living beings that populated it. Their untimely and unfortunate extinction at the break between their time, the Second Era, and our own, the Third, is still not well understood, and is a story to be told outside of these pages.

What is not as well-known about the Elzheni is that their exploration led them well beyond our own Tamarran Continent and even beyond the Fekxtah planet Ethem on which Tamarra lies. As remarkable as it may be, they recorded explorations of the Fekxtah planets that lie beyond Ethem. The reason this is not common knowledge is twofold. First, there are few writings or artifacts that remain of the time of the Elzheni. In fact, what few writings we now have only became known to us recently. These ancient writings were found in one of the oldest, and largest, of the heola mayamar*. Prior to the discovery of these artifacts, we had only rumors and unreliable tales that were more legend than history, and so we are deeply indebted to the heola who aided our studies.

The second reason why these ancient Elzheni artifacts are not well known is because there is great skepticism among many members of the Guild who believe that the writings are not genuine and, even if they are, that they are fiction and not true science. Many of our most prominent Guild scholars believe that what is presented in these writings is, simply put, not possible. To be clear, the skeptics do not doubt that there are worlds outside of our own Ethem. This is a fact which has been made clear in the Guild literature and in the Guilds’ many studies of Ethem’s sky. What is contested are the detailed observations of these other worlds that could only come about from direct observation. In other words, the Elzheni would had to have been standing on these other worlds to observe the facts they report. Most Guild scientists consider this to be sheer fiction since they believe it is a feat well beyond even the mighty Elzheni. Those members of the Guilds who do believe the accounts to be true have so far provided no credible evidence or theories about how it could be accomplished.

Thus, the debate has raged for a number of years now with no clear outcome in sight. Since Gorsal Rothless and Allo Bathrelmo chose me for this task, it is my responsibility to choose how best to execute it. I have made a decision to include key extracts from these ancient Elzheni texts. I believe that it is vital for a complete understanding of this subject that it be included, and I have, with these words, I have discharged my duty to inform the reader of the circumstances surrounding the documents so they may make up their own mind as to its veracity.

In conclusion, I consider this document to be a primer for any who might be interested. It will contain much of the basic information that we have, to this point, gleaned from the documents that the heola have provided us, and that are now held in the archives of the Division for the Study of Fexofamilial Communities and Genealogy (DSFCG), a division within the Guild Energetic Resource Coalition (GERC), the division of the Guild in which I work.

To fulfill my responsibility to make this document short and approachable, I have included only the core elements from our understanding of this topic. This should be sufficient to give a discerning reader an understanding of our Solar System and ready them for a deeper study of this topic should their curiosity lead them to it.

I submit my work on this the 9th day of the month of Kalkix of the year SP~5,022, and dedicate it to the dogged determination of Gorsal Rothless to see it become a reality.

— Galggado Gaffroto, Ishiri, First Scientist of the Division for the Study of Fexofamilial Communities and Geneology (DSFCG) of the Guild Energetic Research Collective

*  A mayamar is a heolas library, though, since it is of heolas origin, there is little if any organizational structure to it. There many heola mayamar, and only a small number of them are known to the general population of the Tamarran Continent. However, it is known that they contain rare books and writings of many kinds which include texts from the Second Era of the world.

The Origin of the Ten Races: Introduction

Editors Note:

Dorromee Ado, Grand Scholar, the Six Guilds, Tarnath

While there are many races and creatures on the Tamarran Continent, the Ten Races, as they like to call themselves, are unique among them. They hold a special place in the world as the only races that have an affinity with, and therefore control over, all of the Six Energies that make up the world. They also have the distinction of being the most politically consequential of all the races and, for that reason, have a special place in the history of Tamarra.

Because of their prominence among the creatures of the continent the Guilds have asked one of our highly esteemed colleagues, Suman Tammring of the Nossring Nation, to provide a brief summary of the origins of each of these Ten Races. Since the nossring folk are not one of the Ten Races, we are sure that Suman will give an objective view of the Ten.  Of course, the full scope of describing the Ten Races would require multiple volumes for each of them; however, it is the Guild’s belief that it is helpful to the folk of our continent to have a shared understanding of the Ten Races, so we understand their place in our lives and in the workings of the world.

I will leave my introduction there; short, but to the point, and will give the remaining pages over to my friend, and valued colleague, Suman Tamming, with my thanks and the thanks of the Guilds for her willingness to perform this important task.

Dorromee Ado, Grand Scholar, the Six Guilds, Tarnath

Kogu 17, SP~5,022


I am Suman Tammring, son of Wedder, First Leader of Catalog of History for the Nossring Nation.  We live in the northern half of the Tamarran Continent, in a long valley between two ranges of the Rimmel Mountains and the Great Eastern Farm Lands.  We are a nation that takes pride in the dignity of living beings — fiercely loyal to those we call our friends, and relentless adversaries to those who have earned our wrath.  

I am from Merring City, in the western Rimmel Mountains, where we are friends to the great whooshenawa tribes. The whooshenawa are a nation of great feathered beings, with a wingspan of up to 25 feet.  Some call them “birds”, and at first look, that is what they would seem. However, they are an old race, and wise, and have seen much of the history of the Tamarran Continent. There is, of course, much more of their story told in the famous book, “Imbelnhi’s Bestiary: Being a Travelers Account of Our Continent and Her Creatures,” and I would refer you to that excellent tome for knowledge of the whooshenawa, and of many other creatures of Tamarra.

We Nossring have watched for years, measured in thousands, the events on our continent of Tamarra.  Long ago we formed a Bond of Souls with our whooshenawa neighbors. This bond was formed from Spirit Energy (one of the Six Energies) and it allows us to send our nossring spirits out with them as they fly throughout the world, and gives us the ability to see the world through their eyes.  As masters of the wind, the whooshenawa have carried our souls throughout the lands of Tamarra, and we have seen much of the world, its beings, and its history. Some sights were compelling enough that we journeyed to those places. From these many journeys we have come to know many of Tamarra’s folk; their nations, their languages, and their ways.

The history of our race and our travels gives us a unique perspective on our Tamarran Continent, and, as such, we can tell the deep history of this place. I shall tell this history, beginning with that of the Great Races, known today as The Ten Races.  

The Ten Races have a connection to each of the Six Energies: the Inner Energies (Emotion and Mental); the Outer Energies (Soman and Physic); and the Ethereal Energies (Spirit and Shadow).  The Guilds call this connection to an Energy an “affinity” with that Energy.  The ability to make that Energy do one’s bidding is called “channeling” that Energy, and those who are able to perform this ability are called Channels.  

It is unusual among the creatures of our continent to have a connection to each of the Six Energies.  Most creatures and folk have no particular connection with the Six Energies and no ability to channel any one of them.  Others have a connection with perhaps one or two of the Energies. So, because of their unique affinity with each of the Six Energies, the Ten Races have earned a prominent place in our world.

Channels have been among us for a long time, but those who call themselves Sorcerers have been here longer. Both names are known today. In the past, Sorcerers have been called witches and enchanters, and also mages and divinists. Their enemies have called them diabolicals and demonists. We know now that the power housed within a living being is neither good nor evil. It is simply a tool that may be used for good or evil as the mortal who holds the ability decides.

The members of the Ten Races have created the greatest cities and nations on the Continent.  Sometimes this was done by a single race, but most often several of the races worked in unison (or sometimes in competition). Such great cities include the city of Tarnath, Naldrin City, Eldrim City, and the Region of Jowea in the northern part of Tamarra. There is also Fekka and Dastl of the Undying Vale, as well as Zshorrihsh, Oshzen, and Zhonee of the great Zweyjen City-States in the south.

One more thing must be said before speaking to the long history of the Ten Races.  Long ago, there were three other races that were also made in the manner of The Ten; they also had access to and control of each of the Six Energies.  These were the Brammoth, the giant creatures fair of heart; the Farddell, the fastest creatures of all, who roamed freely across the plains of Tamarra; and the Shassellin, creatures of the deepest parts of the ocean.  Each of these races was born at the beginning of the Third Era of the Fifth Age of the World, our current period of time. Each was destroyed many thousands of years ago.

I will tell the stories of these mighty creatures.  But first I will tell the story, most briefly, of each of the Ten Races.